
Member Spotlight: Philip Bell CEO of Involve Community Services

We interviewed Philip Bell, Philip Bell, CEO of Involve Community Services, BOB VCSE Health Alliance Member and part of our Steering Group.

Tell us about yourself and your organisation?

We are the local infrastructure charity for the area of Wokingham borough. Our role is to help the Voluntary, Community and Social enterprises to thrive across the local authority area.

What made you join the alliance?

We realise the importance of working collaboratively and to have a voice on matters that impact the lives of others. The alliance ensures that our voice is represented at the table and that we are able to positively influence decision-making whilst championing the great work undertaken by the sector.

As a core member of the alliance steering group, Involve has had chance to work with fellow CVS organisations and the alliance leads to build a structure that gives voice to the sector across a range of topic areas.  Our alliance not only has regular full membership meetings but a number of subgroups in areas such as health inequality, aging well and mental health.  These facilitate focussed discussion, which in turn builds a sector voice, championing the rights of those most marginalised in our society.

How has being part of the group helped you?

It’s been really helpful to hear what others have to say and to form new professional relationships that can both strengthen the work of the alliance but also support other areas of delivery.

Have you built your network since joining?

Yes, grreat to have a voice and to form a network with like-minded people who want our services to work more effectively for the benefit of our people and communities.

What would you say if you were to recommend it to others?

Everyone’s time is precious, so this is a real opportunity to work together to bring about positive change.

Being a part of the BOB footprint can feel quite daunting.  What has become evident since the alliance was formed is that there are many similar challenges across the area.  This in turn allows us to campaign and challenge together, which we hope as we move into the new integrated health system will assist positive change for all communities and residents.


involve Community Services – Making A Difference Locally

Philip Bell – Linkedin


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