
Advocating VCSE priorities in the ICS

In the autumn of 2022 the Health Alliance sub-groups got the chance to have some early input into the creation of the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West (BOB) Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) strategy.

Our Ageing Well sub-group helped to reshape the Age Well chapter of the document to emphasise prevention, recognise the role of carers, the need for guidance to help people navigate the system and to focus language on people being active citizens rather than passive patients.

The Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) strategy engagement phase has now concluded and we submitted responses from each of the subgroups learning disability and autism, mental health and ageing well.

We also submitted a general voluntary sector position paper on the ICP strategy in which our key points were:

  1. We want to see a specific priority on disability within the live well heading to mirror the SEN and neurodiversity priority in start well
  2. We want to see a specific priority on dying well which is present in the ICP strategies of some other systems
  3. We want to see greater recognition of the current funding workforce and demand realities on the whole on the whole system across health and social care
  4. We want to see some commitments to a timeline and success measures to implement the ICP strategy by which the partners can hold themselves and each other to account in the creation of an integrated care system.

Work is also beginning on the NHS five year forward plan for BOB, which is expected to be more operational. We will carry some of the same issues into that process that we raised in the ICP strategy context.

Full paper here: VCSE Alliance view consolidated

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