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Member Spotlight: Nicola Leavesley, CEO of Response

We spoke with Nicola Leavesley, CEO of Response, about her experience of being a member of the Health Alliance.

Tell us about Response

Response is a mental health charity working across BOB (Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire), offering specialist supported accommodation for people with severe mental illness and those who are vulnerable, as well as specialist youth worker provision for young people experiencing mental health challenges.  We have been around for over 60 years and during this time have developed close working relationships with the NHS Trusts and local authorities to deliver services in partnership to the population across BOB.

What is your role at Response?

I have been with the charity for three years, and in the CEO role for 2 years.

What made you join the alliance?

I joined around 12 months ago.  Whilst we work closely with many VCSE organisations individually,  it seemed a great opportunity to be part of a more formal wider group which can focus on influencing system change at a strategic level.

How has being part of the group helped you?

It has been helpful to share experiences and explore ways in which the VCSE can help statutory organisations think about working collaboratively – and to understand the barriers.

I have recently joined the mental health action group and I am looking forward to developing stronger relationships with other VCSE partners.

Have you met new people/ organisations since joining? If so how has that been helpful?

It has been great to meet so many new people through the Alliance, and to be able to represent and name other charities when at a meeting or event that would benefit from more VCSE involvement.

Have you increased your understanding of the NHS and Integrated care since joining?

Before I took up this role I worked in the NHS so I had a pretty good understanding of the NHS and the ICS beforehand.  However, being part of the Alliance has increased my understanding of the different third sector organisations and the opportunities we have in becoming an aligned voice.

What has surprised you about being part of the alliance?

The vision of the Alliance is for VCSE organisations to be valued as equal partners in the ICS, and my experience so far is the commitment and selflessness of the members to achieve this vision.

What would you say if you were to recommend it to others?

Working collectively and collaboratively to improve health and wellbeing of the BOB population is the best way to get the outcomes we want for people. If you want to be part of influencing and shaping system change, get involved!

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